To strengthen fair employment practices, the Ministry of Manpower is putting in place new licence conditions for all new and existing employment agencies when they engage in recruitment work. These new licence conditions are
- No discrimination practices are allowed
Workplace discrimination based on age, race, nationality, gender and disability is not allowed. Where discriminatory practices are found, MOM will not hesitate to take firm action and this includes the suspending of work pass privileges of employers or even prosecution. - Employment agencies must brief their clients on the fair recruitment requirements in the Tripartite Guidelines on Fair Employment Practices (TGFEP)
- Make reasonable efforts to attract Singaporeans for vacancies that they are trying to fill
- Consider all candidates based on merit
As EAs play an important role in ensuring fair hiring in the job market, MOM recognises EAs as a key component in ensuring that fair employment practices are upheld.
MOM to Recognise Progressive Employment Agencies with New Human Capital Partnership Mark for Employment Agencies
- In addition, MOM will introduce a new Human Capital Partnership (HCP) Mark for EAs to recognise progressive EAs that have demonstrated a strong commitment to fair recruitment practices and helped employers to strengthen their Singaporean core.
- This is an expansion of the tripartite HCP Programme which has recognised over 550 exemplary employers to date. With the HCP Mark for EAs, employers will be able to identify the best-in-class EAs that can help them grow their businesses and stay competitive by developing a strong local talent pipeline.
- MOM is in the process of shortlisting EAs that qualify for the HCP Mark for EAs and expects to admit the first group of such EAs to the HCP Programme later this year.
MOM to appoint Employment Agencies as SGUnited Jobs and Skills Placement Partners
- MOM will also appoint selected EAs that had demonstrated the ability to hire fairly as Placement Partners to help local job seekers secure jobs and traineeships under the SGUnited Jobs and Skills Package.
- Through this initiative, MOM will provide funding support to Placement Partners to place mature jobseekers, long-term unemployed job seekers or persons with disabilities into jobs and traineeships. This initiative will create additional pathways for more vulnerable local jobseekers to access professional career matching services and opportunities suited to their skills and aspirations.
- More details will be announced at a later date.
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The editorial team at Acra Filing Agent
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