Section A1 – Information of Customer/ Agent

Individual Customer’s / Agent’s Information

(Please indicate the reason why you are seeking the services of the RFA) * Required information required under ACRA (Filing Agents and Qualified Individuals) Regulations 2015

Individual Customer’s / Agent’s Information (Leave If not applicable)

(Please indicate the reason why you are seeking the services of the RFA) * Required information required under ACRA (Filing Agents and Qualified Individuals) Regulations 2015

Section A2 – Information on Business Entity

Entity’s Information

(Please indicate the reason why you are seeking the services of the RFA)
(Please use section A1 to obtain information for each connected parties identified). * Required information required under ACRA (Filing Agents and Qualified Individuals) Regulations 2015

Section B – Information on Customer’s Beneficial Owner(s)

The purpose of obtaining beneficial owners’ information is to:
a) identify the natural persons (whether acting alone or together) who ultimately own all the assets or undertakings of the customer.
b) if there is doubt as to whether the natural persons who ultimately own all the assets or undertakings of the customer are the beneficial owners or where no natural persons ultimately own all the assets or undertakings of the customer, to then identify the natural persons (if any) who ultimately control the customer or have ultimate effective or significant control over the customer.
c) where no natural persons are identified above, to identify the natural persons having executive authority in the customer, or in equivalent or similar positions. (Please duplicate the section below if there is more than one Beneficial Owner)

Entity’s Information

For customers that are legal persons, RFA should understand and provide the control structure when identifying who is the beneficial owner.

Section C1 – Information relating to Politically Exposed Person(s).

Politically Exposed Persons

Is the customer, agent, beneficial owner or any party connected to the customer, a Politically Exposed Person (PEP)10? A PEP includes the following:
a) a person who is or has been entrusted with any prominent public function in Singapore, a country or territory outside Singapore, or by an international organisation at present; or
b) a person who has been entrusted with any prominent public function in Singapore, a country or territory outside Singapore, or by an international organisation who has stepped down from his prominent public function; or
c) an immediate family member or a close associate of a politically exposed person or a politically exposed person who has stepped down.

Section C2 – Information about Politically Exposed Persons, their Immediate Family Members and Close Associates

Information on Political Exposed Person (PEP)

Is the customer, agent, beneficial owner or any party connected to the customer, a Politically Exposed Person (PEP)10? A PEP includes the following:
a) a person who is or has been entrusted with any prominent public function in Singapore, a country or territory outside Singapore, or by an international organisation at present; or
b) a person who has been entrusted with any prominent public function in Singapore, a country or territory outside Singapore, or by an international organisation who has stepped down from his prominent public function; or
c) an immediate family member or a close associate of a politically exposed person or a politically exposed person who has stepped down.

10 Please refer to ACRA guidelines on who is a PEP. RFAs should obtain the above information for each PEP identified.

Section D - Customer’s/ Agent’s Declaration

I declare that the information provided in this form is true and correct.

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